Sunday, September 16, 2012


And bienvenue to my blog, “Francecapades: My Escapades in France (Part Deux)”. It will serve to chronicle my forthcoming year in France as a graduate student and frequent traveler, and also to transmit to you some of the fantastic weirdness and ironies of living abroad.

“If this is 'Francecapades Part Deux',” you may wonder, “is there a 'Part Un'?” You are astute. I wrote the original Francecapades two years ago, when I was a high school teacher in a small town in northern France. You can access it here.

NB #1: I have been writing posts since I arrived in Clermont a month ago, but have not until now had the technological means to set up a blog. Ergo, there shall be retroactive blogging.

NB #2: If the page appears for you in French, as it likes to do sometimes, contact me and I will try to fix it.

Thanks for visiting my page, and happy reading.